Sunday 21 November 2010

How To Take Out A Personal Van Insurance Cover

Drivers of light delivery vehicles could get confused when contemplating what van insurance to take out. More often than not, these vehicles are used for business and personal. Covering them for the purposes of claims becomes problematic. It can be covered for either personal use or business use. Premiums differ significantly enough to make this choice daunting. Therefore, you should endeavor to cover it under the right category.

Should you cover you vehicle under business, the vehicle would need to be registered in the name of the business. A sole trader is permitted to get coverage on the vehicle in his or her name. The amount of mileage for personal use will determine how you may cover it. This means that if most of the travel is personal, then you can cover it under a personal policy.

If you need the vehicle to be driven by an employee, then it will require business cover. All the people who drive the car will have to be listed onto the policy schedule. Each of these drivers history will be taken into account when factoring the premium. Commercial policies are also appropriate in the case of visits to clients and for delivery of goods.

The premium will vary, depending on the risk factor of items that you are transporting. Items that are generally transported include tools or supplies, hazardous materials, cleaning materials and perishable materials.

The place where the vehicle is parked plays a significant role in the rate you will be charged. The risk of your car being damaged or stolen when it is parked in a locked garage is significantly lower than in the street. Added security features such as alarms, immobilizes and tracking devices will go a long way to decreasing the risk.

Vehicles used for business and in particular to transport goods, need van insurance, primarily to cover the goods that are being transported.

by Dan Kelly
About the Author:

Did you compare van insurance? You should do it if you have a van. Van insurance comparison is special when it comes to getting cheaper insurance.


Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Internet And Term Life Insurance

Many of our day to day tasks and activities have changed since the Internet became an almost "necessity," in homes all over the world. The way we communicate with potential business contacts, the way we keep in touch with friends, the way we manage our bank accounts and budgets and the way we do our shopping has all "advanced," thanks to our ability to do things online we might once never have believed possible.

Internet shopping certainly offers its benefits. The fact that we can now stay home and do our shopping from our computer without even getting dressed is hugely convenient. In addition to that, you don't have to walk around loads of shops to find the right product or ensure you are getting the best price for it. You can compare hundreds of prices online in an instant, something that is ever more important in tough financial times where we all want to stretch our income.

One product in particular that has been affected by the revolution in online shopping habits is term life insurance. As the name might suggest, term life insurance is basically a life insurance policy that rungs for a pre-specified period of time. But how exactly has this particular product been influenced by the Internet?

Well, much of it comes down to the fact that comparison is now so easy. Shoppers can find the policies they want quickly and easily and they can even compare quotes from hundreds of providers in an instant. The way that people research insurance has changed too. They can find out about a whole host of different policies and their pros and cons quickly, meaning that those buying term life insurance are often doing so after already arming themselves with the information they need. We now have more thoroughly researched buyers.

Another big difference is in the way that people can now check out the reputation of a provider they are considering buying a term life insurance policy from. Thanks to the open nature of blogging, review sites and forums, real consumers can now share their experiences of certain companies online to a potentially massive audience - and so many tend to do just this.
by Matthew B Hollance